Colibris Mouvement

Created in 2007 under the impetus of Pierre Rabhi and a few close friends, the Colibri Mouvement is a citizen movement that works towards the emergence of a radically different ecological and solidarity-based society by encouraging individual and collective action. Convinced that each and everyone holds a part of the solution, it accompanies thousands of people and groups, everywhere on the territories, who imagine together a new model of society, based on the values of happy sobriety, cooperation and respect of the living. schemagouvernancecolibris2021 Composition of the Cercles d'Orientation et de Pilotage de Colibris PagePrincipale_IMG_50491280_20200708121146_20200713144315 The orientational Circle, Gouvernance Colibris Eco-Logis-scaled Ecohousing, Colibris

Source texte: Mouvement Colibris